Is outsourcing a dirty word in business? Misconceptions of Outsourcing

Is outsourcing a dirty word in business_ Misconceptions of outsourcing

As a business owner, how do you feel about outsourcing? Do you think of it in a positive or negative light? Most business owners think of it as a “dirty” word – as something they should not engage in. This mindset is almost always due to the many misconceptions there are surrounding the concept of […]

Benefits of exercise and how it affects the mental health of a business owner

Benefits of exercise and how it affects the mental health of a business owner

As a therapist running your own private practice, we know that you can be on a tight schedule – from juggling patient sessions, doing paperwork, insurance claims, admin tasks… you name it. You’re a therapist, but you’re also a business owner, which means you often wear many hats. This can really take a toll on […]

Setting Healthy Boundaries Between Work Life and Personal Life

Setting Healthy Boundaries Between Work Life and Personal Life

Learning how to separate work and personal life has never been more important now that a lot of people work from home. As a therapist, you may now have more virtual sessions with clients, which can pose some challenges when it comes to creating boundaries.  If you’re operating from home, it’s normal for these two […]

4 Things That Kill Productivity For Therapists

4 Things That Kill Productivity For Therapists

Without even realizing it, there are things that we do (or don’t do) that can actually be lowering our productivity levels. Low levels of productivity can impair the growth of your private practice. It can also leave you feeling defeated and unmotivated.  Why do you find yourself getting so little done despite so many hours […]

Overcoming Overwhelm: The 3 D’s Method

Overcoming Overwhelm The 3 D’s Method

When you’re overwhelmed, it means you have too much of something to handle. In the case of business, it is usually a result of having too many responsibilities or tasks on your plate. Being overwhelmed can negatively impact the growth of your business as it can cause you to become stressed, burned out, and physically […]

6 Ways To Actively Involve God in Your Business

Running a successful business is no easy feat. But running a successful business as a Christian can be even more challenging. Business can leave us vulnerable to the temptations of the world, especially that of wealth. It can test our beliefs and principles if we do not actively keep God at the center of our […]