Without even realizing it, there are things that we do (or don’t do) that can actually be lowering our productivity levels. Low levels of productivity can impair the growth of your private practice. It can also leave you feeling defeated and unmotivated. 

Why do you find yourself getting so little done despite so many hours of work? Or why do you find yourself working past regular work hours? This can be because you may be doing certain things that are causing this to happen. Let’s explore the possible reasons why.

  1. Checking your emails/phone first thing in the morning: We’re all guilty of this one! Picking up your phone first thing in the morning is a huge productivity killer. It steals so much of your time without you even realizing it. How many times have we found ourselves scrolling through emails or even social media before we realize an hour or two has passed? By the time you’re done sorting through and responding to emails, half of your morning is gone. And for most people, morning times are peak productivity periods.
  2. Scheduling sessions back-to-back/ ending sessions late: When you have clients scheduled back-to-back, or you end sessions late by going over time, you’re not able to take the time to rest in between, and you become exhausted. This compromises the time you need to take a break, grab a bite to eat or attend to other small tasks. By the end of the day, because you’re so exhausted, the last thing you’ll want to do is attend to any other work-related tasks. This is how tasks pile up and takes forever to get done.
  3. Neglecting self-care: As a therapist, your job can take a lot from you mentally, emotionally, and physically. Taking time to rejuvenate and recharge is critical for functioning at your best. If you’re mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted, it reflects in your daily functioning – you feel sluggish, and demotivated, and procrastination begins to occur. Taking the time to care for yourself is an absolute MUST.
  4. Doing it all on your own: Nothing lowers productivity more than when you try to do it all in your practice. Not only do you feel stressed, overwhelmed, and exhausted, but you may begin to lose track of all that needs to be done. You may start missing deadlines, forgetting to schedule appointments, responding to emails, and more. Having help in your business can take the mountain of work off your shoulders and allow you to have the freedom to do other important things like tending to clients and taking time for self-care.


We all want our business to grow and flourish. But in order for that to happen, we need to maximize our productivity. Anything that threatens our productivity puts the growth of our business at risk. Consider the 4 productivity killers presented above – do they apply to you? If you can relate, brainstorm ways in which you can overcome them. Start doing so today for a more productive tomorrow!